Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Onward and Upward

Fresh on the heels of our latest release, The Bloodline: Birth of the Vampir, we are currently in edits for our upcoming Ghost anthology. (Congratulations once again to our ten competition winners.) The project is shaping up beautifully, and we're on track for an early September release.

Due to the wonderful response we've had, we are planning to produce at least one themed anthology a year going forward between our other projects. (We're thinking of taking on "Cosmic Horror" for our next go-round.)

We took up the "Ghostly Happenings" theme this year because we were truly interested in seeing what people might come up with - and the results were great. Every writer should try their hand at a ghost story at least once. It's a challenging exercise, certainly, and that's exactly why it's worthwhile. Imagine if Shirley Jackson had up and decided that ghost stories were silly. No Hill House? I don't even want to think about it.

Never hesitate to tackle old concepts. The conventions, the archetypes, they may creak and cough up dust, but then the real magic lies in how you dress them up, doesn't it?

Keep writing, folks.

- Your friends at Dark Hall Press

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